No purchase necessary. Sweepstakes is void where prohibited by law. The  approximate total prize value is $30,000. Sweepstakes open to legal residents  of the United States of America, excluding Florida, New York and Rhode Island,  age 21 and older and who not won a station sweepstakes within the last 90  days. Chance of winning will depend on the total number of entries.  Sweepstakes starts January 25, 2024 and ends February 29, 2024 with the  exception of weekends.

For full rules, please visit :

Sponsor: Univision Radio, LLC. 



NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Sweepstakes starts Jan 25, 2024 at 5:00 a.m.  PST and ends Feb 29, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. PST. Open to legal residents of the United States of America, excluding Florida, New York and Rhode Island, over the age of 21 and who have not won another promotion of Sponsor in the past  90 days. Void where prohibited. Subject to Official Rules at

Sponsor: Univision Radio, LLC  ABBREVIATED RULES 


NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Sweepstakes starts Jan 25, 2024 at 5:00 a.m.  PST and ends Feb 29, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. PST. Open to legal residents of the  United States of America, excluding Florida, New York and Rhode Island, over  the age of 21 and who have not won another promotion of Sponsor in the past  90 days. Void where prohibited. Subject to Official Rules at Sponsor: Univision Radio, LLC  ABBREVIATED RULES 



NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Sweepstakes starts Jan 25, 2024 at 5:00 a.m.  PST and ends Feb 29, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. PST. Open only to legal residents of  the United States of America, excluding Florida, New York and Rhode Island,  over the age of 21 and who have not won another promotion of Sponsor in the  past 90 days. Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries  received. Void where prohibited. Subject to Official Rules at


Sponsor: Univision Radio, LLC  

________________________________________________________________________  LONG FORM RULES 




PROMOTION DESCRIPTION: TE PAGAMOS LOS BILLES SWEEPSTAKES  promotion (the “Sweepstakes”) begins on January 25, 2024 at 5:00 a.m. Pacific  Standard Time(“PST”) and ends February 29, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. PST, but is  available for entry only from Monday through Friday of each week of such  period (the “Promotion Period”). Entry in the Sweepstakes does not constitute  entry into any other promotion, contest, or sweepstakes. By participating in the  Sweepstakes, each entrant unconditionally accepts and agrees to comply with  and abide by these Official Rules and the decisions of Univision Radio, LLC,  2323 Bryan Street, Suite 1900, Dallas, TX, 75201 (“Sponsor”), which shall be  final and binding in all respects. 

ELIGIBILITY: Only legal residents of the United States of America, excluding  Florida, New York and Rhode Island, over the age of 21 and who have not won  another promotion of Sponsor in the past 90 days are eligible to enter.  Employees, officers and directors of Sponsor, Univision Radio, LLC (“Prize  Provider”), and their owners, parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, distributors,  retailers, sales representatives, advertising and promotion agencies  (collectively, the “Promotion BMFNATCASH52024 Entities”) and each of the  foregoing’s immediate family members (spouse, parents, siblings and children  and each of their respective spouses, regardless of where they reside), and/or  those living in the same household, whether or not related, are ineligible to  enter the Sweepstakes or win a prize. Sweepstakes is subject to all applicable  federal, state and local laws and regulations, and void where prohibited by law.  

HOW TO ENTER: During the Promotion Period, enter by tuning into the BMF  Show on your local Sponsor radio affiliate during the show broadcast time (as indicated in the affiliate chart at the end of these Official rules) and listen for  the program host(s) to mention which “BILL” BMF Show will pay that specific day. Then, listen to the program host(s) 1) ask listeners what bill will be paid  that specific day, and 2) program host indicate phone lines for the Sweepstakes have opened; when prompted, call the phone number provided and be caller  number one with the correct answer and win $1,000. If answer is incorrect, the  daily amount will accumulate to the next day for a new opportunity. All  requested information must be provided to enter and to be eligible to win. 

Incomplete entries will be disqualified. Prizes are not accumulative. Entries  must be received by February 29 at 11:59 p.m. PST. All entries shall become  the Sponsor’s property and will not be returned or acknowledged. Entries made  by any individual (or any entity) other than the entrant whose name is on the  entry form, and/or entries originating at any other web site or e-mail address,  including but not limited to commercial sweepstakes subscription notification  and/or entering service sites, will be declared invalid and disqualified for this  Sweepstakes. Entries generated by script, mechanical, macro or any other  device used to automate the entry process, or by any means that subvert the  entry process are void. The applicable station’s clock will be the official time  keeper for online entries in this Sweepstakes. In the event of a dispute  regarding entries received from multiple users having the same information,  the authorized user of the information submitted the time of entry will be  deemed to be the entrant and must comply with these Official Rules. In the  event a dispute regarding the identity of the individual who actually submitted  an entry cannot be resolved to Sponsor’s satisfaction, the affected entry will be  deemed void. In the event of a dispute, the Promotion Entities shall not be  responsible for incorrect or inaccurate entry information whether caused by  Internet users or by any of the equipment or programming associated with or  utilized in the Sweepstakes or by any technical or human error which may  occur in the processing of the entries in the Sweepstakes. The Promotion  Entities assume no responsibility or liability for any error, omission,  interruption, deletion, theft or destruction, or unauthorized access to, or  alteration of entries.  

WINNER SELECTION AND NOTIFICATION: Each weekday of the Promotion  Period an entrant who is the first caller, will be selected and asked to provide  the correct answer of the day. If the answer is correct and complete, the “prize”  will be awarded per day of the Promotion Period. The potential prize winner  may be identified on BMF Show the following day and/or notified using contact  information provided or collected at the time of entry. Sponsor shall have no  liability for any winner notification that is lost, intercepted, or not received by a potential winner for any reason. If a potential winner does not respond within  forty-eight (48) hours of the first notification attempt, or if prize or prize  notification is returned as unclaimed or undeliverable to such potential winner,  such potential winner will forfeit his or her prize and an alternate winner may  be selected. Potential prize winner and their guest will each be required to  execute an Affidavit of Eligibility, a Liability Release, and (where imposing such  condition is legal) a Publicity Release (collectively, “Prize Claim Documents”).  If winner fails or refuses to sign and return all Prize Claim Documents within  five (5) days of prize notification (or a shorter time if required by Sponsor  exigencies), potential winner may be disqualified and an alternate winner may  be selected. If a potential prize winner is found to be ineligible, or if he or she 

has not complied with these Official Rules or declines the prize for any reason  prior to award, such potential prize winner will be disqualified, and an  alternate prize winner may be selected. Sponsor, in its sole discretion, may  attempt to contact up to three (3) potential winners of a prize in accordance  with the above procedure, after which the prize in question may go unawarded  if it remains unclaimed.  


Potential winner each day of the Promotion Period win a prepaid $1,000 gift  card prize. 

The maximum Approximate Retail Value (“ARV”) of all prizes is $30,000. Odds  of winning depend on number of entries received. No cash alternative, prize  substitutions, transfers or assignments will be allowed, except Sponsor  reserves the right to substitute a prize (or portion thereof) with one of  comparable or greater value.  

The ARV of any prize is subject to price fluctuations in the consumer  marketplace based on, among other things, any gap in time between the date  the ARV is estimated for purposes of these Official Rules and the date the prize  is awarded or redeemed. If the actual retail BMFNATCASH52024 value of prize  differs from the ARV stated herein, the prize winner will not be entitled to a  check, cash or other form of payment for the price difference. The winner’s  guest must be the legal age of majority in his/her jurisdiction of residence (and  at least twenty-one (21) years of age), unless such guest is the child or legal  ward of the winner and must sign a liability/publicity release prior. If guest is  child of legal ward of winner, winner must sign and return release on behalf of  such child or legal ward. Prize winner will not receive cash or any other form of  compensation if actual value of prize is less than the prize ARV in these Official  Rules. In the event winner and/or his/her guest engages in behavior that (as  determined by Sponsor in its sole and absolute discretion) is obnoxious or  threatening, illegal or that is intended to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass any  other person, Sponsor reserves the right to terminate the prize or other  applicable experience early, in whole or in part, and send winner and/or his or  her companions home with no further compensation. Each winner and guest  must comply with all venue rules and regulations. Failure to do so may result  in forfeiture of that element of the prize.  

Note: Each winner and his/her guest(s) irrevocably waives all claims against  the Promotion Entities and agrees that the Promotion Entities will have no  liability or responsibility for any claim arising in connection with participation in this Sweepstakes, the prizes awarded, personal injury, or wrongful death, a  potentially heightened risk of exposure to communicable diseases, viruses,  bacteria or illnesses (including, without limitation, COVID-19) and the causes  thereof, and sickness arising as a result of the winner participating in the  Sweepstakes and related activities, wherever, whenever or however the same  may occur. Each winner fully understands that (a) the novel coronavirus SARS CoV-2 and any resulting disease (together with any mutation, adaptation or  variation thereof, “COVID-19”) is extremely contagious and there is an inherent  risk of exposure to COVID-19 in any place where people are or have been  present; (b) no precautions, including the protocols that will be implemented  from time to time by any/all travel providers or those providing  accommodations, can eliminate the risk of exposure to COVID-19; (c) while  people of all ages and health conditions have been adversely affected by  COVID-19, certain people have been identified by public health authorities as  having greater risk based on age and/or underlying medical conditions; and (d)  exposure to COVID-19 can result in being subject to quarantine requirements,  illness, disability, other short-term and long-term health effects, and/or death,  regardless of age or health condition.  

GENERAL PRIZE CONDITIONS: No cash alternative, prize substitutions,  assignments or transfers will be allowed, except Sponsor reserves the right to  substitute the prizes(or portion thereof) of comparable value if a prize listed is  unavailable for any reason. Prizes will be delivered by FedEx Signature Service  only to an address in the United States of America, excluding Florida, New  York, and Rhode Island. Prize winner shall be solely responsible for all  applicable federal, state and/or local taxes, if any, and the reporting  consequences thereof, and for any other fees or costs associated with prize  acceptance and use. All prize details are at Sponsor’s sole discretion. Sponsor  makes no warranties, and hereby disclaims any and all warranties, express or  implied, concerning any prize furnished by third parties in connection with the  Sweepstakes. WITHOUT LIMITING THE GENERALITY OF THE FOREGOING,  SUCH PRIZES ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,  EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND SPONSOR HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL  SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED  WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR  PURPOSE AND/OR NON-INFRINGEMENT.  

GENERAL LIABILITY RELEASE/FORCE MAJEURE: Acceptance of a prize  constitutes [a] prize winner’s permission for Sponsor to use his/her name,  photograph, likeness, voice, biographical information, statements related to  this Sweepstakes and address (city and state) for advertising and/or publicity  purposes worldwide and in all forms of media now known or hereafter developed, in perpetuity, without further notification or compensation to, or  permission of, such winner and/or any third party. Entrants agree that the  Promotion Entities: (A) shall not be responsible or liable for, and are hereby  released, discharged and held harmless from, any and all liability, costs,  

injuries, losses or damages of any kind, including, without limitation, death  and bodily injury or property damage, due in whole or in part, directly or  indirectly, to participation in the Sweepstakes or any Sweepstakes-related  activity, or from entrants’ acceptance, receipt, possession and/or use or misuse  of any prize (or any travel/activity related thereto)], and (B) have not made any  warranty, representation or guarantee express or implied, in fact or in law, with  respect to any prize, including, without limitation, to such prize’s quality or  fitness for a particular purpose. Sponsor assumes no responsibility for any  damage to an entrant’s or any other person’s computer system or wireless  phone which is occasioned by participating in the Sweepstakes, or for any  computer system, phone line, hardware, software or program malfunctions, or  other errors, failures, delayed computer transmissions or network connections  that are human or technical in nature. Without limiting the generality of the  foregoing, Sponsor is not responsible for incomplete, illegible, misdirected, late,  lost, damaged, stolen, or garbled entries or prize notifications; or for lost,  interrupted, inaccessible or unavailable networks, servers, satellites, Internet  service providers, websites, or other connections; or for miscommunications,  failed, jumbled, scrambled, delayed, or misdirected computer, telephone or  cable transmissions; or for any technical malfunctions, failures, difficulties or other errors of any kind or nature; or for the incorrect or inaccurate capture of  information, or the failure to capture any information. Sponsor reserves the  right in its sole discretion to disqualify any BMFNATCASH52024 individual  who is found to be tampering with the entry process or the operation of the  Sweepstakes, to be acting in violation of these Official Rules, or to be acting in  an unsportsmanlike or disruptive manner, or with the intent to disrupt or  undermine the legitimate operation of the Sweepstakes, or to annoy, abuse,  threaten or harass any other person. ANY ATTEMPT BY AN INDIVIDUAL  WHETHER OR NOT AN ENTRANT, TO DELIBERATELY DAMAGE, DESTROY,  TAMPER OR INTERFERE WITH THE OPERATION OF THE SWEEPSTAKES IS A  VIOLATION OF CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAWS AND THE SPONSOR RESERVES  THE RIGHT TO SEEK DAMAGES AND DILIGENTLY PURSUE ALL REMEDIES  AGAINST ANY SUCH INDIVIDUAL TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY  LAW. No illegible, incomplete, forged, software-generated or other automated  entries, or entries produced or submitted by any means which subvert the  entry process will be accepted. Sponsor reserves the right to modify, extend,  suspend, or terminate the Sweepstakes if it determines, in its sole discretion,  that the Sweepstakes is technically impaired or corrupted or that fraud or  technical problems, failures or malfunctions or other causes have destroyed or severely undermined or to any degree impaired the integrity, administration,  security, proper play and/or feasibility of the Sweepstakes as contemplated  herein. In the event Sponsor is prevented from awarding prizes or continuing  with the Sweepstakes as contemplated herein by any event beyond its control,  including but not limited to fire, flood, natural or man-made epidemic of health  of other means, earthquake, explosion, labor dispute or strike, act of God or  public enemy, satellite or equipment failure, riot or civil disturbance, terrorist  threat or activity, war (declared or undeclared) or any federal state or local  government law, order, or regulation, public health crisis (e.g., SARS), order of  any court or jurisdiction, or other cause not reasonably within Sponsor’s  control (each a “Force Majeure” event or occurrence), then Sponsor shall have  the right to modify, suspend, or terminate the Sweepstakes. If the Sweepstakes  is terminated before the designated end date, Sponsor will (if possible) select  potential winner(s) in a random drawing from all eligible, non-suspect entries  received as of the date of the event giving rise to the termination. Inclusion in  any such drawing shall be each entrant’s sole and exclusive remedy under  such circumstances. These Official Rules cannot be modified or amended in  any way except in a written document issued by a duly authorized  representative of Sponsor. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of  these Official Rules shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other  provision. In the event that any provision is determined to be invalid or  otherwise unenforceable or illegal, these Official Rules shall otherwise remain  in effect and shall be construed in accordance with their terms as if the invalid  or illegal provision were not contained herein.  

GOVERNING LAW/JURISDICTION: Except where prohibited, entrant agrees  that any and all disputes, claims and causes of action arising out of, or  connected with, the Sweepstakes or any prize awarded shall be resolved  individually, without resort to any form of class action, and exclusively by state  or federal court located in Dallas, Texas. All issues and questions concerning  the construction, validity, interpretation and enforceability of these Official  Rules, entrant’s rights and obligations, or the rights and obligations of the  Sponsor in connection with the Sweepstakes, shall be governed by, and  construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Texas without giving  effect to any choice of law or conflict of law rules (whether of the State of Texas  or any other jurisdiction), which would cause the application of the laws of any  jurisdiction other than the State of Texas. Any questions, comments or  complaints regarding the Sweepstakes should be directed to the Sponsor. 

ENTRANT’S PERSONAL INFORMATION: Except as contemplated in these  Official Rules, personal information collected in connection with this  Sweepstakes will be used in accordance with the privacy policy found at 

WINNER LIST/OFFICIAL RULES: For a Winner List (available after March 1,  2024) and/or a copy of these Official Rules, send a hand-printed, self addressed, stamped envelope to “TE PAGAMOS LOS BILLES” SWEEPSTAKES,  c/o Univision Radio, LLC, 2323 Bryan Street, Suite 1900, Dallas, TX, 75201,  specifying “Winner List” or “Official Rules”. Requests must be received within  sixty (60) days following the end of the Sweepstakes. Vermont residents may  omit return postage on rules requests. The English language version of these  Official Rules controls. Copies of these Official Rules provided in any other  language are for convenience only. Sponsor: Univision Radio, LLC, 2323 Bryan  Street, Suite 1900, Dallas, TX, 75201, specifying “Winner List” or “Official Rules”. Requests  must be received within sixty (60) days following the end of the Sweepstakes. Vermont residents may  omit return postage on rules requests. The English language version of these Official Rules controls. Copies of these Official Rules provided in any other language are for convenience only. Sponsor:  Univision Radio, LLC, 2323 Bryan Street, Suite 1900, Dallas, TX, 75201 

Affiliated Stations : Please contact Adriana Grillet VP Audio Affiliation and Syndication ( 305-487-5349 for the Affiliate list of stations, call letters and information on  schedules of broadcasting the show in each affiliate.